A guide to social distancing activities for seniors
Promoting Engagement and Stimulation while Social Distancing
In a world where social distancing and shelter-inplace orders are the new norm, now, more than ever, it’s imperative that we do whatever we can to reduce isolation among the seniors we serve…and that we care about deeply.
In an effort to keep our elderly population safe, social distancing has been recommended to reduce the risks associated with COVID-19. However, with decreased social engagement and stimulation comes decreased mood and overall wellbeing, and in some cases, results in depression.
As Champions of Aging Well, we have created a comprehensive Life Enrichment Guide, chock full of fun and meaningful activities to keep the mind and body active from the comfort and safety of home. All of these activities can be accessed through a smartphone or a computer, and will open their eyes to a virtual world of possibility — taking tours of impressionist artwork at Paris’s Musée d’Orsay, viewing a timeline of the world at the British Museum, listening to the Vancouver Symphony’s final performance from BeethovenFest, watching the animals at the San Diego Zoo, and so much more!