As we age, it’s inevitable that we’re going to have to change the way we get around at some point. How we go grocery shopping, run errands, or even just grab the mail at the end of the driveway – Each of these tasks can become just a little (or a lot) more difficult the older we get.

But that doesn’t mean as senior citizens we should have to struggle!

Instead, we would like to suggest several transportation alternatives for seniors in senior care.

First, let’s take a look at why some seniors may need to consider alternative transportation options…

Decreased Mobility – Whether it is simply due to old age, an injury, or an illness, seniors can often experience a decrease in mobility as they age which can be cause for them not to transport themselves.

Deteriorating Eyesight – If your senior suffers from an illness or injury that has impaired their vision, this will greatly impede their ability to drive altogether and it is recommended that they always seek a transportation alternative.

Chronic Illnesses – Many seniors may suffer from debilitating diseases that will impair their ability to drive, such as heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, and Parkinson’s Disease.

Short Distances

Being a senior, and due to some of the reasons aforementioned, your loved one in senior care may not feel comfortable relying on or navigating public transportation – And that’s okay! Instead, we recommend that their caregiver or a family member help to transport them for short distances and help them accomplish basic tasks, like getting to a doctor’s appointment or picking up a medication.

Another option is to simply allow your senior to remain at home if that is their wish. As an alternative to driving them, you can handle the task at hand for them if it does not require their presence.

Long Distances

Helping your senior to travel long distances can be a bit more of a challenge. You may not have a caregiver or family member willing to drive long distances, and the cost of transportation for lengthier travel can be significantly higher.

To overcome this obstacle, we suggest joining a transportation network that is specific for seniors. These networks are often developed to serve a particular region, city, or neighborhood and will help your senior to find the necessary transportation to travel long distances.

If you are looking to enroll your senior into senior care services, we would love to help you explore your options! Please call Home Care Assistance to schedule your consultation.