Keeping active is vitally important to our wellbeing. Physical activities and exercise help improve balance, strength, and cardiovascular health. Additionally, workouts may decrease pain from arthritis and lessen the chances of chronic diseases, like diabetes. Seniors can boost their physical health, regardless of age!

Activity Goals

Healthcare experts usually recommend at least 150 minutes of exercise each week for aging adults, as long as they start slowly and work up to the goal, gradually increasing frequency and intensity.

Do A Little Whenever You Can

Ride a stationary bicycle or walk on the treadmill while watching your favorite TV shows. In the least, stand up and stretch during commercial breaks or lift hand weights to increase body strength. Bust out some dance moves or jog to music to get your spirits lifted and the body moving.


Everyone benefits from walking. Older adults can take walks in their community or seek out nature trails, getting quality exercise while enjoying sights and sounds of their natural environment. Walking is free and always available to us. It can be made into a social occasion when family or friends join along on the journey!

Gardens are Healthy

Reap the health benefits of fresh herbs, produce and flowers from a garden! Awaken the senses with a variety of natural fragrances. Walking, bending and stretching to plant, weed or take cuttings is an exercise that’s wonderfully uplifting and healthy. Being outdoors in the sunshine while enjoying a hobby can provide a sense of accomplishment for seniors, as their efforts will literally bloom.

Play Golf

Walking from one hole to the next on a golf course provides additional healthy steps. Many people enjoy a golf game, getting extra bending when placing the tee and balls, and strengthening the arm and back muscles when swinging the club correctly. The mental, physical, and social activity also stimulate the brain.

Here is a quick listing of courses you can check out in the Burlington area.


Swimming is a great activity for strengthening the cardiovascular, respiratory, and musculoskeletal systems. The water reduces stress on the joints, making it an ideal activity for anyone with arthritis, too. Community pools typically provide water aerobics or other designated swim times for older adults.

Get Involved Locally

Many times, there are activity programs designed specifically for seniors. Locally you can visit the Burlington Parks and Recreation Department for more information and ways to get involved with a program. These programs can not only provide ways to become more active, it also can provide important social interaction for seniors.

Help is Available

Sometimes, aging adults need help. Seniors who want to remain healthy as they age may benefit from professional home care. Local help is available to for managing activities of daily and focusing on a healthier and more fulfilling active adult life. Senior care experts can provide quality care to aging adults when needed, whether it’s assistance with their mobility or exercise, or transporting to a doctor appointment. Caregivers can even accompany a loved one to a fun social event, allowing the adult a high-quality independent life.

Eventually, family caregivers realize they may not be able to make enough time to engage in all the activities their loved ones would like to consider. Why feel sad or guilty when Home Care Assistance can help? Hire professional respite care so the aging adult can continue his or her activities while the primary caregiver takes healthy, and necessary, breaks.

Respite caregivers are trained to take care of meal prep, physical activity, and personal hygiene for 24-hour care or smaller amounts. Specialized care for seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s is available, too.

To learn more about our reliable in-home care for seniors, give us a call at (802) 231-0415.