Did you know?
25% of senior Americans ages 65 – 74 live with a disability. Aging can often present challenges on its own, but being a disabled senior introduces a new set of challenges on top of that can require some extra help. As a solution, Home Care Assistance wants to tell you about home care options that may be able to help your senior with a disability.
First, let’s learn about the types of disabilities many seniors struggle with daily.
Types of Disabilities
Physical. Most commonly, seniors deal with disabilities that involve mobility limitations. That means that home care options become increasingly important.
Sensory. These types of disabilities affect one’s senses, such as hearing loss or blindness.
Intellectual. Communication, learning, and retaining information can all be affected due to intellectual disabilities.
Mental. Mental illnesses can have an effect on seniors’ behavior, emotional state, and overall thinking.
Home Care Options
Next, learn about the home care services that may be best for disabled seniors. We can break these down into two different categories: basic needs and advanced needs.
Basic Needs. Your senior’s basic needs involve receiving assistance with tasks like grocery shopping, housekeeping, cooking meals, bathing, taking medications, or getting to doctor’s appointments.
Advanced Needs. If your senior requires advanced needs, they may need specific care programs to help with the challenges that come along with Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, Parkinson’s Disease, stroke aftercare, hospice services or recovery after a hospital stay.
Whether your senior requires basic needs, advanced needs, or both, Home Care Assistance is here to help them. We provide these services on an hourly basis if your senior needs flexibility, or around-the-clock.
If you are considering enrolling your disabled senior into home care services, we would love to help you develop a customized care plan that works for the entire family. Call Home Care Assistance today for your consultation.